ClickCease Celebrating International Women’s Day: A Q&A with the Women of Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center - Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center

Celebrating International Women’s Day: A Q&A with the Women of Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we caught up with some of the women here at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center in Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale to hear their thoughts on how both men and women can continue to support women who are just starting out in their careers, as well as those who may be balancing careers, family life, and personal goals.


First up, we spoke with Co-Chief Executive Officer of Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, Courtney Ellenbogen. Courtney holds her MBA from Harvard Business School and is also the Co-Founder of Aesthetic Partners. Courtney has also competed in several US Opens and Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) events while earning her BS in Economics from Duke University. 


We asked Courtney to weigh in on how we can inspire and support women to pursue their own business initiatives and provide some insight into her own inspirations along her path to success. Here’s what she had to say: 


Q: What advice would you give to women who aspire to launch their own companies?


Courtney: Go out there and do it! It can seem very “risky” to start something on your own, but it can be even riskier to work a job that you’re not passionate about. Big companies and return jobs will always be there for smart and driven people, regardless of how successful your venture is, so there isn’t a need to create a unicorn on the first go.


Q: How can we encourage women to pursue entrepreneurship or senior leadership roles?


Courtney: Remember and promote the fact that companies (statistically!) perform better when they have diverse leadership. Businesses need us. I try to internalize the mantra that you can have it all, just not at the same time. There are always going to be times where different priorities will be important – whether it’s career, personal, family, or something totally different. It’s fine to put your priorities first and pursue your career goals at a time that’s right.


Q: Is there anyone who inspires you in your career?


Courtney: My girlfriends. I’ve been lucky enough to have women surrounding me who are driven and passionate about what they do – regardless of whether it’s their careers or their hobbies or families. Being able to set aside time for a morning run or weekly happy hour with them has helped me immensely in my career. I can always bounce ideas or problems off of them, and I come out feeling better about addressing the challenges that come up every day at the business.


We also had a chance to hear from Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center expert: Cheryl Staurowsky, Licensed Medical Aesthetician with over 30 years of experience. 


Q: How has the support of other women helped you achieve your career goals?


Cheryl: Words of encouragement are always the best way to grow one’s confidence! When this comes from other female professionals who have years of experience, especially if they are your co-workers, it’s the ULTIMATE strength to continue on your path to success. 


Q: What does International Women’s Day mean to you, and why is it important that we recognize it?


International Women’s Day is an opportunity for strong, liberated women to be celebrated for their accomplishments in paving the way for all women to push forward in their careers. The comment, “You do well enough…” should never be said or heard again. No limits or bias should be placed on any human based upon their sex, age, title, or job position. Everyone should have the opportunity for growth if they strive for it!


We hope these words of wisdom from some of the women behind Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center’s success can be a source of inspiration and encouragement for other women setting out to achieve their goals. To learn more about the amazing female doctors and staff here at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, view the dedicated “about” page on our website.