Abdominal fat is one of the most frustrating things to try to lose. Millions of people try to conquer it with both diet and exercise, and yet still the stubborn belly fat doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Finally, there is a great non-surgical solution—one that is safe and affordable—to permanently lose that annoying midsection. UltraShape®offers a great alternative to, and actually provides better results than, invasive cosmetic surgery.
What is Ultrashape®?
Of all of the weight loss options—including untested exercise and diet regimens, as well as expensive supplements that may or may not work—you may notice that most of them have one thing in common–they are not FDA approved. UltraShape®, however, has been tested and approved by the FDA as a proven method for losing unwanted abdominal fat. UltraShape® uses painless ultrasonic pulsed energy to target and permanently dissolve subcutaneous fat.

Why you may consider Ultrashape®
Despite the claims of infomercials and online videos, stomach fat is extremely resistant to either DVD exercise programs or diet supplements that claim to “melt away unwanted fat with no exercise whatsoever.” A handful of sessions with Dr. Pozner will get rid of the fat that is so resistant to exercise and diet and give you back the body of your youth.
How doesUltrashape® work?
Unlike other invasive procedures, such as liposuction, UltraShape®uses acoustic waves of non-thermal ultrasonic pulsed energy to target and break down the subcutaneous fat in your exact problem areas, without bruising, swelling, or other unpleasant side effects. UltraShape®treatments penetrate through the top layer of the skin and specifically target the “trouble zones” of the body, such as flanks (“love handles”), thighs (“saddle bags”), and abdomen (“muffin top”)—all without damaging your muscles of any other parts of your body. Typically, patients are in and out of our office in an hour or less.
Although results vary according to the individual, most patients see a reduction of fat after just one session. After your UltraShape®sessions are completed, the body clears the broken-down fat cells through the body’s metabolic pathways over a two to four week period, with maximum fat thickness reduction seen approximately 30 days after your final treatment. As there is no downtime, you are able to resume normal activities right away. Patients that follow a healthy diet and active lifestyle will enjoy their slimming results for years to come.
What is the cost of Ultrashape® in Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach?
The price of UltraShape®varies according to the extent of treatment necessary. Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center and Dr. Pozner will create a personal treatment plan for you, withfinancingoptions customized to fit your budget.
How do I get started?
The friendly staff at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center will be happy to set up an appointment to discuss your options and to see if UltraShape®is right for you. We’ll help you understand how the procedure works, determine the number of sessions you will need, and discuss the results you can expect to see.
Additional Laser Body Contouring Treatments Available:
- CoolSculpting Elite
- Velashape
- Ultrashape
- Accent Prime
The physicians and staff at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center in Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale provide personalized care for all our Cosmetic Laser Dermatology patients. We use the most advanced technologies in dermatology to help our patients maintain optimum skin health and restore self-confidence by revitalizing their appearance. To receive more information or schedule a consultation, give us a call at(561) 246-5375to speak with our friendly staff.