ClickCease Blog - Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center

Say Goodbye to Pesky Cellulite with VelaShape III

Yes, it’s the cellulite treatment that all Victoria’s Secret models rely on to prep before the infamous Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. A revolutionary new treatment, VelaShape III can smooth out your dreaded cellulite and give you smooth, silky, camera-ready legs with just a handful of quick, painless treatments.


And who wouldn’t want to zap their cellulite away? An estimated 85-95% of women have cellulite regardless of their size or weight. So, if you’re worried about your cellulite, you aren’t alone.


Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center in Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale, Florida, our team of skilled providers is here to cover all of your dermatological and cosmetic enhancement needs. We’ve compiled this helpful guide on how VelaShape III can give you the smooth, cellulite-free legs that you’ve always wanted.

How VelaShape III treatments work

With VelaShape III, we use an applicator to deliver powerful heat to your problem areas. Along with delivering fat-targeting heat, the applicator also uses the combination of massage and suction to penetrate the deep layers of skin and fat.


After the treatment, your fat cells will gradually shrink, your metabolism will improve, your body will use more energy from your stored fat, and your body will drain more of your fat naturally through your urine.


That’s right, in addition to smoothing out your cellulite, VelaShape III treatments also effectively target your problem areas, stored pockets of fat on your body that don’t respond to diet and exercise.


VelaShape III treatments are great because they’re totally non-invasive. There’s absolutely no pain with treatment, and there aren’t incisions, anesthesia, or pain medication, and there’s absolutely no down time. VelaShape III has also been cleared by the FDA, with no short- or long-term side effects reported.

How many treatments will I need?

Although everyone’s individual treatment needs will vary, most people only need about four sessions to see results. You can, however, opt for more or less depending on the results that you want to achieve. We also schedule touch-up sessions as needed in order to proactively target any developing cellulite and to maintain your smooth results.


It’s important to note that VelaShape III is not a weight loss or liposuction treatment. VelaShape III is great for those who are trying to tighten their skin, target their cellulite, and burn off those stubborn pockets of fat that just don’t respond to diet and exercise. If you’re looking for weight loss solutions, talk to us about your options.


To learn more about the numerous benefits of VelaShape III and to find out if you’re a candidate for treatment, call us, or if you’re ready to schedule, book an appointment right on our website today.

Is Your Face Mask Giving You Acne? Here’s What to Do about “Maskne”

“Maskne” is the not-so-affectionate name given to acne breakouts that show up on your skin after wearing a face mask. While this is a bigger problem for some people more than others, nearly all skin types can be affected by the dreaded maskne.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent and treat maskne if you do struggle with this common skin concern. We spoke with Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center Aesthetician Cheryl Staurowsky to glean her professional tips and tricks for dealing with maskne.

1. Always wear a clean mask

As tempting as it may be to keep a face mask in your car or purse and reuse it every time you have to run into the store, this habit will only worsen acne breakouts and other skin problems associated with face masks.

Makeup, dirt, and oil can easily become trapped within the fibers of the mask – no matter the mask type. When you reuse the same mask, these particles and the bacteria that is now thriving on the mask, are transferred to your face. Yuck!

2. Wash your face as soon as you get home

Even if you are using a clean mask every time you put one on, you still need to wash your face with the proper cleanser for your skin type as soon as you get home. If you have to wear a face mask for long periods of time, you can try washing your face in the middle of your shift and putting a clean one on.

This will help to eliminate the sweat, dirt, and bacteria that has built-up under your mask, especially after hours of use.

3. Spot-treat new pimples

If you do notice new pimples popping up on your skin, you can spot-treat them with a Q-tip and a salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) solution. For more severe breakouts, use an AHA cleaning pad after cleansing your skin to help remove dirt and bacteria from your pores and speed up the cell renewal process.

4. Treat your skin to an acne-reducing facial

If maskne has left you with enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, and dark spots, consider treating yourself to a Hydrafacial. This popular in-office treatment is a customizable facial that exfoliates the skin and cleanses clogged, congested pores, leaving you with a smoother, clearer, and more radiant complexion.

Learn more here:

For more information about acne treatment and prevention, or to book an acne facial, please contact us online or call our Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale office at 561-486-9339.

Guidelines for Buying Beauty Products Online

Buying beauty products and booking skincare treatments online is a convenient way to find the products and services you want – and sometimes at a great price. But there are a few red flags to watch out for. Follow these three top tips to help ensure the beauty products you’re buying are legitimate and right for your skin type.

1. Beware of counterfeit beauty products

Counterfeit and fake skincare products sold online is a growing problem across the beauty industry. Oftentimes, counterfeit products will appear to be in the right packaging with the right labels, with only slight differences in appearance that distinguish them from the real product. The trouble is that the formula inside the bottle contains unknown ingredients, is expired, or both.

Always purchase beauty products from a reputable cosmetic dermatology office or other trustworthy website to avoid unknowingly buying counterfeit items online. It’s also a good idea to spot test new products before applying them all over your skin, in case you have an allergic reaction.

2. Take advantage of a great deal – but from a reputable source

You’ll often find great deals on beauty products and skin treatments online, but it’s crucial that you accept deals only from a reputable source. While there’s nothing wrong with saving some money by booking online, you do need to vet the provider first.

The best way to snag a trustworthy deal online is to shop from a reputable cosmetic dermatology website. At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center in Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale, we offer a week-long Local Love sale every year, which kicks off on Tuesday, August 11th this year.

You can save on a variety of treatments and products, including:

  • $50 off HydraFacials
  • 10% off all fillers
  • 15% off Kybella and SPF products
  • 20% off CoolSculpting, Emsculpt, Sculpsure, and UltraShape
  • 25% off single toxin injections
  • 30% off laser hair removal packages

3. Know who will be administering beauty treatments

Booking beauty treatments like facials, fillers, and laser treatments online can be convenient and might even help you save some money, but you should always know who will be fulfilling that service for you. Choose a reputable cosmetic dermatology office where only fully trained and certified providers administer injections, laser treatments, and other skincare treatments. You should be able to find information about a practice’s individual providers on its website.

4. Don’t skip your office visit

As easy as online shopping for skincare products can be, you still need to make sure you’re shopping for the right products for your skin type and needs. So don’t skip out on your in-person appointment with a skincare professional to discuss your specific skincare needs and goals. Once you know the products and ingredients that will work for your skin, your online beauty shopping spree can begin!

Bottom line

With so many buying options online, it has never been easier to find the beauty products and treatments your skin needs to look and feel its best. However, always triple-check that you’re buying and booking from a reputable provider.

For questions or more information, contact us online or call our Boca Raton office at 561-886-0970.

Battling Dry Skin? Try a HydraFacial

Nothing is worse than dry, flaky skin! But as hard as you try to achieve fresh, dewy skin, harsh facial cleansers and certain cosmetics can cause more harm than good.


At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, our expert team understands the frustration skin issues bring. That’s why our compassionate care providers are dedicated to meeting all of your skincare needs, utilizing the most advanced, cutting-edge techniques and treatments.


At our Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale office, we want to help you keep your skin looking fresh and dewy all year long. We’re thrilled to offer customized HydraFacial® treatments to rejuvenate and revitalize your dry skin.

What is a HydraFacial?

A HydraFacial offers a fast and easy way to improve your skin’s appearance and heal underlying issues without the need for invasive equipment or procedures. The secret lies in the pulsating HydraFacial tool that delivers customized solutions to your skin.


Not only does this cutting-edge tool clean and exfoliate your skin, but it also delivers unequaled levels of hydration to keep your skin looking dewy and fresh. And because everyone’s skin is different, we customize your treatment to address your skin’s needs.

Why choose HydraFacial over other facial treatments?

While traditional facial treatments used on damaged skin can clean away protective oils, leaving your skin vulnerable and at risk, the HydraFacial works to safely clean, hydrate, and moisturize your skin without causing further irritation. And the best part? There’s no glaring redness, discomfort, or downtime. HydraFacials combat dry skin and its negative effects in less than 30 minutes, making it the perfect quick and easy treatment. A HydraFacial effectively treats many skin issues, including:

  • Acne and blackheads
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne breakouts
  • Dull, uneven skin
  • Brown spots
  • Textured skin
  • Dry, tight skin
  • Oily skin and enlarged pores
  • Scaly, flaky skin

Ready to learn more about a customized HydraFacial?

If you’re ready to look your best, consider a customized HydraFacial from a skincare expert at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center. Say goodbye to dry, irritated skin and hello to a younger-looking, fresher face. Contact our Boca Raton office to schedule an appointment, or book online now!