ClickCease Blog - Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center

Experiencing Hair Loss After Surgery? Let’s Fix It!

Surgery can often change your life for the better, especially if it’s for something that is threatening your well-being or disrupting your lifestyle. However, some surgeries can lead to a series of inconvenient side effects. One example would be your hair falling out. 

An average of 57 percent of patients experience alopecia after surgery, especially the bariatric and metabolic types. Luckily, there are ways for you to keep things under control and reduce hair thinning and bald spots. Keep reading to find out why surgery affects your hair and what you can do to restore it!


What Causes Hair Loss After Surgery?


Hair loss after surgery is a very common phenomenon, and there is a good explanation for it. When your hair grows, it goes through certain cycles. First, it grows and then enters a resting stage. After that, it enters the shedding stage, after which regrowth occurs. The entire length of hair represents one cycle, and for some people, this can last for years. 

We all shed about 50 to 150 hairs a day. However, certain stressful events can prematurely send your hair follicles into a shedding phase, causing you to lose more hair than usual. This can be caused by many things like anesthesia, medication (chemotherapy), and even stress. Pressure alopecia can also cause your hair to shed from certain areas, leaving you with bald spots.

Milder hair loss can be solved with regenerative medicine for hair loss, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). However, when the hair loss is more significant – for example, when it’s caused by cancer – the more appropriate option is a hair transplant. This is a potentially permanent solution to restore your hair in areas where it refuses to grow. 



Top Options for Hair Restoration


If your surgery left you with significant thinning or balding areas, two options are likely to bring great results. Whether you are looking for a female or male hair transplant, the following procedures can help: 

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

If you are looking to add more thickness to thinning hair, follicular unit extraction (FUE) may be a good option for your needs. For this procedure, the donor area will be shaved or trimmed very short, and a special puncture wound will be used to take the hair follicle out. It requires a fair amount of precision, but it is minimally invasive and least likely to leave a scar.

This option is generally recommended if you have localized balding or hair thinning. Since only small puncture wounds are left behind, the recovery is shorter, and you will be less likely to feel discomfort. Individuals who are prone to scarring would typically benefit from the FUE procedure.

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) 

If you usually keep your hair long and are not concerned about scarring, follicular unit transplantations (FUT) might be a more sensible solution. With this procedure, a strip of skin containing follicles is harvested from areas where your hair is thicker. The follicles are then taken off the skin and processed, readying them for transplantation. 

This procedure is much simpler to perform in comparison to FUE, which is why the price per hair graft transplant is lower. That being said, since it allows for multiple graft harvesting, it is the more efficient option for major hair restoration.


The Bottom Line


While hair loss is a common side effect of some types of surgeries, it does not mean you have to live with thinning hair forever. You just need to use the right procedure to give it more fullness. Contact Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center to set up your hair restoration appointment!


For more information about post-surgery hair loss and the best ways to fix it, you can contact Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center at 561-886-0970. We can offer the guidance you need to make a calculated decision. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you for an appointment.

Postpartum Hair Loss – Why It Happens and How Hair Transplants Can Help

Giving birth is always a wondrous event, especially since you’ve been carrying that bundle of joy for nine months. During your days of pregnancy, you might have noticed that your hair became thicker at some point, looking shinier and healthier than ever. This likely gave you a lot of confidence in yourself, and you took it as a new step in your hair growth journey. 

The problem is that while the hair tends to fall less during pregnancy, it seems to make up for that once you give birth. An average of 91.8 percent of women experience postpartum hair loss and there are various reasons for this. In this blog, you can learn more about this phenomenon along with what you can do to get your hair looking thick and healthy again. 


What Is Postpartum Hair Loss?


Postpartum hair loss is a biological process that starts three to four months after giving birth. For most women, the hair grows back in about six months, or even faster if regenerative medicine for hair loss is used. However, for some new mothers, this stage lasts for a longer time and the hair might not always grow back. This can lead to androgenic alopecia.

The cause for this type of alopecia is often a change in hormones. Pregnant women usually go through a significant increase in hormones, estrogen and progesterone in particular. These hormones are there to help the mother prepare for childbearing, labor, and breastfeeding. This boost also increases the growth phase of the hair, preventing it from falling and making it appear thicker.

Once the mother gives birth, the hormones will go back to normal, resuming the shedding phase. This can make your hair fall out faster than usual, especially when you are in the shower.


How to Address Postpartum Hair Loss


There are various ways to address alopecia after childbirth. Some women prefer using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to nourish their remaining follicles. Others prefer laser therapy hair loss treatments to awaken their roots. These methods are minimally invasive and can be good options for women who don’t struggle with massive hair loss. 

That being said, if your hair loss continues more than six months after giving birth and you develop bald spots, hair transplants might become the more suitable solution. Very often, this is a permanent fix and can help you regain your beautiful mane.



Types of Hair Transplants


There are different types of hair transplants, and your choice depends on what you are comfortable with. At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we offer: 

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE may be a good option for you if you are a new mother looking for a less invasive method for hair transplantation. This procedure involves trimming the hair very short in the donor area, using a punch tool to extract the hair follicle by follicle. It is a good option for women who notice hair thinning and some localized hair loss.

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

When your hair loss is more than just slightly localized, FUT might be the better option for you. This procedure is quite effective even if you need a major restoration, as it collects larger hair grafts in one session. Strips of skin with hair follicles are taken from areas where the hair is thicker and then transplanted in the balding regions.


Find the Right Hair Transplant for You!


Hair loss after giving birth can seem disheartening, especially as you are starting on a new journey as a mother. Still, you don’t have to take the hair loss stage as it is. You can still bring your old looks back if you take the right action. Schedule an appointment for a female hair transplant and get your thick, healthy hair back!


For more information about port-partum hair loss and hair transplants, please contact Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center at 561-886-0970. We would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form, and we will get in touch with you shortly.

Hair Transplants for Men & Women – Everything You Need to Know

Hair loss is something that many people might have to deal with sooner or later. In some individuals, the condition may be genetic or triggered by certain diseases, causing the onset of areata or androgenic alopecia. Life events can also lead to this condition, as about 91.8 percent of women experience postpartum hair loss to some extent. This can affect a person’s lifestyle and reduce the confidence they have in themselves

When hair thinning and balding are becoming a big problem, men and women have several options for resolving the issue. Hair transplants are one of the most popular options, as they transfer healthy follicles in areas where you do not have any. Read our blog and find out more about hair transplants.


What Is a Hair Transplant?


A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves taking hair from parts of the scalp where you have plenty of it and grafting it in areas where you are thinning or balding. This procedure can offer a natural-looking mane, boosting your self-esteem.

While hair transplants can be very effective on their own, they are often combined with other hair restoration treatments to improve the results. This can include regenerative medicine for hair loss, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) procedures.


Types of Hair Transplants


Hair transplants come in two different forms, depending on the procedure used. At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we offer: 

  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Follicular unit extraction (or simply, FUE) is a hair transplant procedure that uses minimally invasive methods to extract healthy hair follicles. During this procedure, the area will be shaved, and a punch tool will extract follicles one by one. These follicles will then be inserted in tiny incisions in the bald spots.

Follicular unit extraction is preferred by those looking for minimal scarring, as only a few dots remain visible. The results are also natural, with the hair transplanted in a way that mimics natural hair growth. This is the recommended option for those who want to restore their hair volume.

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular unit transplantation is often the recommended choice for men and women dealing with advanced hair loss. This option transplants linear grafts from a fuller area of your scalp into regions where you notice balding. 

The FUT procedure is mostly recommended for patients who have curly hair, as it can effectively cover the linear scar. The men and women undergoing grafting should also have generally thick hair, with only localized bald spots.


Are Male and Female Transplants the Same?



Male and female hair transplants can have similar benefits, as the fundamentals remain the same for both genders. The harvesting region can also differ for men and women. For instance, women have more thinning in the back of their heads, which means the hair follicles are rarely harvested from that area. As women are more exposed to thinning rather than balding, most of the treatments are chosen for volume restoration. In this case, FUE might be the recommended choice for women.

On the other hand, men often suffer from receding hairlines, making harvesting from the front very challenging. Taking hair from these areas would just cause it to fall out. This is why most men prefer the FUT method, with hair follicles being grafted from the back of their head into their hairline.

Ultimately, it’s important to meet with our provider, Dr. Saltzburg, to determine which procedure would be best for you and the goals you wish to achieve. 


The Bottom Line


Hair loss can be disheartening to anyone experiencing it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reverse it. You can just rely on hair transplants to bring your hair back to its former glory. Contact Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center and set up an appointment for a hair transplant!


For more information about hair transplants, please contact Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center at 561-886-0970. We can offer advice on which option works best for your needs. Alternatively, you can fill out the provided online contact form and we will get in touch as shortly as possible for an appointment.

5 Things to Know Before Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment


For many people, removing unwanted hair is a real struggle. Yes, using a razor blade is simple, but the hair grows back too fast. Waxing treatments and epilators have longer-term effects, but using them is a pain—literally. Additionally, improper body hair removal can lead to ingrown hair, which can be even more annoying.

Luckily, there is a better (and less painful) alternative for removing body hair, and that is laser hair removal. You get the satisfaction of smooth skin without having to worry about ingrown hairs or shaving nicks and cuts. Still, to get the most out of the treatment, you need to be prepared. This article will tell you everything you need to know before getting a laser hair removal treatment at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center.


What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is one of the most efficient methods of removing unwanted hair. It sends short UV light beams straight into the follicle, destroying it and preventing more hair from growing.


These are the benefits you can enjoy with a laser hair removal treatment: 

  • Long-term hair removal
  • Little discomfort during the process 
  • Low-maintenance treatment 
  • Quick hair removal sessions
  • Smooth skin without razor bumps or ingrown hairs 


The good news is that most people getting laser hair removal can enjoy its effects for years, sometimes even permanently. However, depending on your skin type, you may need to schedule a touch-up every few years. Regardless, it is a better alternative to shaving every few days or waxing every few weeks.


Things to Know Before You Get a Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Going in for laser hair removal can be the solution to achieving smooth skin. However, to avoid potential side effects, here are a few things you should know or do before getting this kind of treatment. 


1. Shave the Treatment Area Before the Appointment

As mentioned, the laser goes through your hair follicle and destroys it, preventing it from growing in the future. However, the more hair you have, the more time it will take for the light to reach the follicles. 


By shaving the night before the treatment, you only keep the part that the laser hair removal professional needs: the follicle. This way, the light will go straight to the source, without being weakened by its travel through the rest of the hair. 


2. Do Not Get a Wax in the Two Weeks Leading Up to the Appointment

We did say that you should shave before the treatment, but you should definitely not wax, pluck, or use a depilatory on the treatment area for two weeks before your appointment. When you shave with a razor, you remove the excess hair, but not the follicle, which allows the laser light to “kill” the follicle and prevent it from regenerating.


However, when you wax or use an epilator, you remove the hair follicle entirely. This means that the laser will have nothing to target, and the treatment will not be as effective. The hair follicles regenerate after they are plucked out, but this can take a week or longer (depending on your hair’s life cycle), extending your waiting time between the laser sessions.


3. Exposure to Direct Sunlight Should Be Avoided for at Least Two Weeks

After you’ve had your laser hair removal session, it’s important to avoid going out in direct sunlight. That’s because the skin is extra sensitive after receiving a strong burst of light straight in the follicle. So, going out into the sun can cause adverse effects, including burns and hyperpigmentation. 


While this doesn’t mean you should lock yourself in the house, it does mean that you should be cautious. Laser removal can easily be done in the summer, but it’s important that you make sure to cover the area when you’re out and about. If walking in shaded areas is not possible, simply wear breathable, loose clothing that can protect you from direct sunlight. 


4. No Intentional Tanning, Sunbeds, or Tanning Products on the Treated Areas

Just like you should avoid direct sunlight, tanning is also a no-no. We know that the reason you got your hair removed is to have glowing skin on those endless summer days. Still, you may want to take it one step at a time. As tempting as tanning may seem when you see your skin looking so smooth, you should wait at least three days before enjoying the sun on your skin. Take a break from tanning beds, as well. 


Once your skin heals, you can do as much sunbathing as you want—with the appropriate sun protection, of course.


Self-tanners should also be avoided. They may not use UV light, but their formula may still be irritating to the skin. Your skin needs time to heal, so you should only use mild and protective moisturizers on it. 


5. Wear SPF Daily to Protect Your Skin

While you should stay away from self-tanners, sunscreen is a must. In general, sunscreen should be a crucial part of your skincare routine, but it’s even more important after you get laser hair removal. After this treatment, your skin is much more sensitive to sunlight, absorbing it like a sponge. This makes it more susceptible to sun damage.


Exposure to UV rays is also believed to be the cause of 80% to 90% of skin cancers. Since your skin is already sensitive, you put yourself at even more risk by not taking precautions. So, stock up on your favorite SPF and protect your skin.


Quick Recap! 

Laser hair removal can be a very efficient way to get rid of unwanted hair, but you need to take some precautions before starting your treatment. Remember: shave, but don’t wax, avoid direct sunlight and tanning for at least a few days and wear SPF daily.


To learn more about laser hair removal, you may contact Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center in Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale at 561-886-0970. We will make sure to answer all of your questions. You may also use our contact form to get in touch with us.


3 Signs You Need Masseter BOTOX®


The masseter muscle is the muscle that runs on either side of your jawline, from the back part of the cheek to the lower jaw. This muscle is responsible for the chewing movement of the jaw. However, if the masseter is overused, it can sometimes lead to a series of medical and aesthetic concerns.


Aside from its ability to “relax” the wrinkles on various areas of the face, BOTOX® can be injected into your masseter muscle to reduce various symptoms. Masseter BOTOX® has been proven to be beneficial in helping both women and men find pain relief in the jaw and with migraines. BOTOX® can even be used to correct aesthetic concerns in the treatment area. Below are three signs that can show if you’re a candidate for masseter BOTOX®.


Sign #1: TMJ/Jaw Pain

Aside from the masseter muscle, there is one more part of the jaw that helps you chew. This is referred to as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ is a hinge that keeps your jawbone attached to your skull.


What Causes TMJ and Jaw Pain?

Aging, calcium deficiency, or bruxism can lead to a weakened TMJ. Past trauma to your temporomandibular joint may also cause constant pain when you try to chew or open your mouth. If you constantly grind your teeth (bruxism) or experience excessive stress, you may also experience a TMJ disorder.


Symptoms of TMJ 

The most common signs that you may need masseter BOTOX® include: 

  • Jaw locking
  • Poor motion range in the jaw
  • Pain in the jaw, face, or ear
  • Stiffness in the jaw muscles
  • Tinnitus (ear ringing)
  • A shift in jaw alignment
  • Popping or clicking sounds coming from the TMJ area


Unless it is caused by trauma, TMJ and jaw pain are not necessarily caused by a weakened bone. If the joint becomes damaged, the bone will likely heal over time. However, if the muscle around the joint is damaged, then the jaw pain may become chronic.


How Masseter BOTOX® Can Help

The masseter muscle is located around the TMJ area. Complications with the jaw hinge often cause pain in the masseter muscle that can be felt each time you clench your jaw. BOTOX® temporarily immobilizes those muscles, which limits you from grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. After your BOTOX® injection, you may experience noticeable relief from TMJ and jaw pain since you will not be overusing the masseter muscle.



Sign #2: Migraines

Migraines are not always caused by tension in the eyes or the upper area of the head. Even if the pain manifests itself in these upper portions of the head, the pain may have an entirely different source (including the masseter muscle), as you can see below:  


Why Does the Masseter Muscle Cause Migraines?

Some of the most common reasons for migraines are tension and muscle contractions. Overusing your masseter muscles can cause tension throughout your face. This can lead to migraines, which are often rooted at the sides of the head.


How Masseter BOTOX® Can Help with Migraines?

When BOTOX® is injected into your masseter muscle, it relaxes the tension that causes the migraines. As you will have limited use of the masseter muscle, which prevents you from grinding your teeth, the tension will be reduced. This reduction in tension helps to alleviate migraine intensity and frequency. BOTOX® is a very useful option for patients who experience severe tension headaches that start at the jawline. 


How Often Should You Get Masseter BOTOX® for Migraines? 

The effects of BOTOX® weaken over time. Once they wear off, your masseter muscle will regain more of its ability to contract, tempting you to overuse it once more. For this reason, it is recommended you schedule masseter BOTOX® injections every three months. At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we encourage you to schedule your appointments ahead of time so that your BOTOX® treatment is set and ready to go when you are due for your next treatment.


Sign #3: Aesthetic Issues



The majority of masseter BOTOX® patients choose the treatment for aesthetic purposes. One session of BOTOX® in your masseter may have the following benefits: 

Slimmer Face

Your masseter muscle is like any other muscle in your body: the more you use it, the stronger it will become. However, stronger muscles also mean larger muscles, and the problem with a larger masster muscle is that it can make the face look square and big. In fact, a large masster is often confused with excess fat in the area. The good news is that the masseter BOTOX® injections will relax the muscle, preventing it from developing further. And, as the muscle weakens, your face will become slimmer.


Feminine Appearance 

Masseter BOTOX® injections can also turn your square-shaped jawline into a heart-shaped one. Square jawlines are often associated with masculine appearances. Therefore, masseter BOTOX® can smooth your jawline to relieve the harsh lines, which ultimately creates a more feminine facial aesthetic.


Teeth Preservation

Most people inject masseter BOTOX® for obvious aesthetic reasons, such as a slimmer face or a more feminine look. However, this type of BOTOX® treatment can also protect your teeth. 


If you are suffering from conditions such as bruxism (grinding of teeth), you risk damaging your teeth. Unless the unconscious habit is brought under control, the grinding can lead to chipping, wear, or even cracking of the teeth. Masseter BOTOX® injections help to eliminate teeth grinding, which gives your mouth a chance to relax and saves any unwanted wear and tear on your teeth.


Symmetrical Look

Sometimes, jaw tension may cause a shift in jaw alignment. Depending on where the tension is located, the jawline may be pulled in that direction, which causes an asymmetrical look. By using BOTOX® injections, you can relieve t hat tension, which results in a more symmetrical jawline and facial appearance.


Verdict: Should You Get Masseter BOTOX® Treatment?

Masseter BOTOX® treatment is useful for various conditions and issues, from medical to aesthetic ones. Whether you are dealing with jaw pain or migraines, or you just want to slim down your jawline, masseter BOTOX® performed at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center can help. Schedule your initial consultation to discuss your concerns and goals, and our medical professionals will determine if BOTOX® is the right treatment plan for you.


For more information about masseter BOTOX®, please contact Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center at 561-886-0970. You may also use our contact form, should you prefer this method. We look forward to assisting you!


Part 2: How to Effectively Address Acne With Cosmetic Treatments

In our previous blog, we examined two trusted and effective non-surgical treatments for alleviating acne on the face. Whether you experience full-on breakouts of acne, or you are frustrated with the occasional pimple, these skin blemishes can make you feel embarrassed and frustrated with your facial aesthetic. If you read Part 1 of our acne-fighting cosmetic treatments (which looked at the HydraFacial® procedure and chemical peels) but are not interested in having either treatment performed, this blog will look at three other options that will help you achieve the smooth, clean, and clear skin of your dreams.


What Other Facial Treatments Are Best For Acne?

As discussed in the previous blog, exfoliation is one of the most essential aspects to achieving blemish-free skin.



Dermaplaning is another exfoliating facial treatment that can help patients of any age address acne and other skin imperfections on their faces. One of the best ways to understand dermaplaning is to think of it as a procedure in which the top layers of your epidermis (the uppermost portion of skin) are shaved away. To accomplish this, your skincare expert will take a scalpel and, using a 45-degree angle, will gently remove dead skin and other pollutants (such as bacteria and dirt) from the skin. This is important in treating acne, since these pollutants combine with oil in your skin pores to clog the pores and create blackheads, whiteheads, and other unsightly forms of acne. 


As with many non-surgical skin treatments, dermaplaning requires no downtime and includes very little recovery. Most patients feel up to returning to their normal daily life after their treatment, which often lasts as little as 30 minutes for the entire face. 



While a HydraFacial® exfoliates through water, chemical peels exfoliate through chemical solutions, and dermaplaning exfoliates through surgical excision of the skin, microdermabrasion exfoliates your facial skin with the use of a handheld device. During your microdermabrasion treatment session, the handheld device will essentially sand the top layers of your skin away. Though this process may sound painful or even scary, the truth is that it is neither. Once the upper layer of skin is removed (along with the bacteria, dead cells, and dirt and grime), the new, healthy skin beneath will become evident to allow you to achieve facial skin that shines with a youthful glow. This treatment is often finished within 30 to 45 minutes, and patients are able to return to their lives without any recovery or downtime. 


Laser Treatments

Laser skin resurfacing is not a new concept in cosmetic treatments. Lasers use light energy to either exfoliate the skin and/or heat the subcutaneous tissue of the skin, which increases the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Two of the most effective laser treatments for skin rejuvenation (and for clearing the skin of acne) are Halo™ fractional laser and BBL™ (BroadBand Light) laser treatment. 


With the Halo™ treatment, light energy is used to create tiny holes in the epidermis. These micro injuries cause the body to heal itself. Over time, new and healthy becomes evident, which creates a youthful and clearer complexion. Similarly, with the BBL™ treatment, IPL (intense pulsed light) energy is directed through the skin to heat up skin cells. Collagen is stimulated, and the skin is able to achieve a healthier and more beautiful structure and appearance. 


Why Is Collagen Important?

Above, we mentioned collagen production; however, it is necessary to understand just how important collagen is to the health of your skin. Collagen is a natural protein found in the skin, which becomes less prominent as we age. However, since collagen is responsible for the strength and overall health of our skin, more collagen equals better and clearer skin. Since acne is nothing more than a skin imperfection, by strengthening the quality of the skin through collagen production, you can expect to have skin that is less plagued by blackheads, whiteheads, and other skin blemishes.



How to Combat Acne Scarring?

While it is important to minimize the presence of acne (if not eliminate it altogether), the simple reality is that many people who have had acne at some point in their life also have resulting scars (usually on their faces). Acne scarring can be embarrassing and unsightly, whether it’s a few scattered marks on the skin or more noticeable pockmarks. Just like there are treatments to reducing and eliminating the presence of acne on your facial skin, there are also ways to improve the appearance of scars resulting from acne. The most effective of these treatments is RF microneedling. 


RF microneedling combines two of the most revolutionary non-surgical treatments available: microneedling and RF laser technology. For this procedure, a numbing cream will be applied to your skin to help alleviate any pain or discomfort that you may experience. After the numbing cream has set in, your skincare expert will take the microneedling handpiece and apply it to the target areas of your skin. The microneedling portion of the procedure uses dozens of tiny needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, which ultimately stimulates the body’s healing abilities. During the microneedling process, radiofrequency (RF) energy will be directed into the deep layers of your skin through the punctures in the upper layer of skin. The RF energy heats up the tissue without damaging any of the surrounding skin. This process increases the production of collagen and elastin in the skin to allow for long-lasting improvement to your skin. RF microneedling is typically a 45-minute procedure, and it does not require any downtime after. Some patients may experience soreness, bruising, and swelling after their treatment, though these side effects will dissipate within a few hours. 


If you missed Part 1 of this blog, be sure to read it so that you can find out which acne cosmetic treatment might be best for you. Schedule your consultation with us so that we can help determine the best course of action for your facial aesthetic goals. 


For more information about facials at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, please call our office at 561-234-4026 or fill out our online contact form.


Part 1: How to Effectively Address Acne With Cosmetic Treatments

Pimples, zits, blackheads, or whiteheads…No matter what you call it, acne can be one of the most embarrassing and frustrating facial cosmetic concerns that a person can have. And while we tend to think of acne as only being an issue for pubescent boys and girls in their teens, the reality is that acne can be a bothersome issue for men and women at any age. 


Though there are numerous creams, lotions, and medicines available for addressing acne, some of the most effective ways to gain clear and smooth skin is from cosmetic treatments. However, many people may wonder what the best facial for acne treatment is. Well, at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we are proud to offer several different options to get rid of those pesky pimples and allow you to feel proud of your facial skin. This blog will be the first of two that look at some of the most effective treatments for clearing up unsightly acne on the face. Here, we will explore the HydraFacial® treatment as well as chemical peels.


What Facial Is Best for Acne?

There are several different cosmetic treatments that can help you achieve blemish-free facial skin. Though each of these treatments has a proven track record for minimizing and even eliminating acne in patients, the truth is that they may not all be effective for you and your specific condition. That’s why your consultation is so important. 


At your consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your facial concerns along with your goals, and one of our trained and talented skincare experts will evaluate your skin condition to determine which facial is best for you. However, the information below can help give you a better idea of what treatments are available to address your acne.



The term “facial” refers to many different treatments that offer the face a clearer and more beautiful complexion. Though they can include creams, lotions, and massages, one of the most effective facial treatments is exfoliation. 


The HydraFacial® treatment is one of the most popular and trusted non-surgical facial procedures available to patients who struggle with any type of facial blemish. From skin texture issues to age spots to, yes, acne, the HydraFacial® treatment can help patients achieve smoother, clearer, and softer skin with the use of water. One of the many benefits of this procedure is that it takes a very short amount of time to complete. Most HydraFacial® treatments are completed within 30 minutes and are painless.


The HydraFacial® treatment consists of three steps that work to clean and rejuvenate your skin. All three steps use a handheld device, which allows your skincare professional to focus on specific areas of your face and control the amount of exfoliation that you receive. For the first step, your facial skin is exfoliated, which means that the top layers of your skin are removed to allow for the healthy and fresh layers of skin beneath to become evident. For the second step, your pores are given a deep cleansing to remove any dirt, grime, skin cells, and oils that are present. And for the third step, antioxidants and peptides are applied to give your skin a lasting renewal. Through the exfoliation and deep cleaning of the HydraFacial® treatment, pimples are removed and the oils that clog pores and create blackheads are cleaned away to leave you with healthier skin.


Along with rejuvenating results, the HydraFacial® treatment does not require any downtime and has a minimal recovery period. Patients have reported redness and some soreness in the treatment areas, though these side effects only last a few hours. This means that you can return to your normal, everyday activities without missing a beat. 


Chemical Peel 

Where the HydraFacial® uses water energy to exfoliate the skin, chemical peels use chemical solutions to encourage cell turnover and loosen the top layer of skin, thereby exfoliating the face. There are several different chemical strengths that can be used on a patient. During your consultation, your skincare provider will evaluate your facial skin to determine which type of chemical to use on your face. 


Chemical peels generally take 45 minutes to complete. For this treatment, one of our trained experts will apply a solution with various ingredients to your face. Some ingredients are peeling agents, some are anti-microbial, and some are brightening. These are typically overnight skin treatments that the patient leaves on until the next morning. After your chemical peel treatment session, the treated skin will begin to flake and fall away, revealing the new skin. What’s important about this procedure is that acne and other skin irritants are removed along with the dead skin, which allows you to have a clearer and cleaner complexion.


There is typically no downtime with these peeling treatments. You may have some side effects, including skin redness for a few days, but once your new skin grows, you can look forward to a fresh face. 


In Conclusion…

Any form of exfoliation of the facial skin can help to clean the skin and reduce the presence of acne. However, because there are so many effective exfoliation treatments available, trying to decide which is right for you can be confusing. That’s why it is important that you trust your procedure to knowledgeable professionals. 


If you are in the Boca Raton & Fort Lauderdale, FL, area and you are wondering, “Who offers the best facials for acne near me?” then look no further than Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center. We are proud to offer the most innovative and effective cosmetic treatments available to help you look your best so that you can feel comfortable, confident, and proud with your appearance.


Look forward to Part 2 of this blog for more information about different acne treatments. 


For more information about facials at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, please call our office at 561-234-4026 or fill out our online contact form.

Recovery and Results: Understanding How Laser Hair Removal Works

Many men and women become frustrated by unwanted hair in various areas of the body. For men, this hair may be on the back or chest, while women may struggle with unsightly hair on the face, arms, or legs, among many other areas. For years, shaving, tweezing, and waxing were the only methods of getting rid of hair on the body. But the reality is that these options take time to perform, and they can even cause you some discomfort and pain. And that’s not even mentioning the fact that the hair inevitably grows back, forcing you to repeat everything all over again, without end. Luckily, there is a better way to efficiently, effectively, and painlessly remove hair from your body permanently.


Laser hair removal is not a brand new concept in cosmetic procedures; however, this procedure has been refined over time to allow for better results so that you can achieve softer, smoother, hair-free skin to help you smile and feel more confident about your appearance. 


While many people are aware of laser hair removal, not everyone fully understands what to expect with this treatment, both during the actual procedure and, more importantly, during the days and weeks after their laser hair removal. In this blog, we will take a look at just what to expect for and from your laser hair removal treatment at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center.


What Do I Need to Know About My Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

The Consultation

Like any cosmetic procedure, the most important aspect of achieving the smooth and hairless skin you desire from your laser hair removal treatment is your consultation. During this consultation, you will have the chance to discuss your aesthetic goals with your skincare provider. Not only will our trained and knowledgeable skin experts evaluate your condition, but they will create a treatment plan tailored specifically to you, and they will happily answer any questions that you may have about the treatment.


The Treatment

It is important to understand that you will not be able to achieve the results you desire from just one or two treatment sessions. Instead, laser hair removal is a process that effectively eliminates unwanted hair over a period of six treatments. One of the reasons for this is that each treatment location on the body consists of hundreds to thousands of hair follicles that must be directly treated. These six treatments will be scheduled six to eight weeks apart from each other to allow your body to heal from each treatment before the next session. 


Each treatment lasts approximately sixty minutes, though the length of the session is dependent largely on the size of the area treated and how extensive the correction needed is. During this time, our skincare expert will move the handheld laser device over the treated skin. Though you can have a topical anesthetic applied to your skin to minimize the discomfort, many patients don’t need any ointment. The laser energy emitted from the handheld device penetrates the skin to target and heat the hair follicle, essentially destroying the follicle in the process. The destroyed follicle, then, is not able to grow hair afterward, allowing you to achieve hair-free skin.


What Happens After Laser Hair Removal?

Immediately After the Treatment

One of the many benefits of this treatment is that there is no recovery or downtime, which means that you can get back to enjoying your normal, daily activities after your session. However, it is normal to have red and swollen skin during the hours after your laser hair removal treatment. You can take over-the-counter medication to minimize any pain you may feel, and ice packs can be applied to the skin to relieve any burning sensations you may experience. Though this discomfort will dissipate shortly after your treatment, this doesn’t mean that you will not experience some die-effects from the laser treatment.


The Next Several Weeks

One of the most common questions that we are asked by potential laser hair removal patients is, “Does hair fall out after laser hair removal?” The simple answer to that question is a definite yes. Because the laser damages the hair follicle, the hair in each follicle is no longer able to, essentially, survive. This causes the hair to fall out. This then prompts the question, “How long after laser hair removal does hair fall out?” The answer to this question is a little trickier, since every patient’s hair, skin, and treatment is different and unique. With that said, most patients notice their hair falling out in the treated area five days after their treatment. However, it can take other patients up to 14 days to notice their hair falling out. Over the next several weeks after each treatment session, your hair will continue to fall out. This is one of the reasons why treatment sessions are spaced out every six to eight weeks. 


The Results

No longer will you find yourself showing up to a social gathering and remembering too late that you didn’t take care of that unwanted hair. Instead, after laser hair removal, you can allow your mind to think about other things, like your clothing or hair. Laser hair removal, then, offers a chance to relax and feel comfortable with your skin’s appearance. 


Instead of unsightly and embarrassing skin, once you are finished with your six laser skin removal treatments, you can look forward to smooth skin that you can smile about and show off to the world. The benefits of laser hair removal are both physical and psychological, so why put off helping your skin achieve the radiant glow you desire? Schedule your consultation today and take the first step to hairless skin!


Come in for a Complimentary Trial

At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we will be offering complimentary laser hair removal trials so that prospective patients can try the device prior to purchasing. So, rather than having us answer this question for you, come on by on a specified Wednesday and see for yourself before committing to your laser hair removal procedure!


For more information about laser hair removal at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, please call our office at 561-234-4026 or fill out our online contact form.


What to Know About Full Face Laser Hair Removal

For many women, one of the most frustrating and embarrassing cosmetic concerns is the presence of unwanted hair on parts of the body, and this is especially true for hair on the face. While there are numerous ways that women can get rid of hair on the face, the reality is that these options can be time-consuming, painful, and bothersome to the skin (shaving, waxing, and tweezing). Rather than remembering too late that you forgot to take care of unsightly hair on your face, why not eliminate this cosmetic issue completely? With full face laser hair removal from Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, you can achieve soft, smooth, and hair-free skin on your face. No longer will you find yourself worrying whether others can see your unsightly hair; instead, you can smile knowing that you are putting your best face forward! In this blog, we will examine laser hair removal for the face to help you better understand how this treatment can help you.



What Is Full Face Laser Hair Removal?

The use of laser energy to help correct cosmetic concerns is one of the most popular and effective treatments available. One of the reasons for its continued popularity is the ease and safety of laser treatments. Laser treatments, such as laser hair removal, are non-surgical treatments that effectively accomplish numerous aesthetic goals. Additionally, it only takes looking at full facial laser hair removal before and after photos to see just how transformative these treatments can be. 


Laser treatments direct light energy to heat various aspects of the skin. Depending on the usage of the laser energy, the appearance of skin blemishes can be minimized, collagen production can be stimulated to strengthen the skin’s health, and hair follicles can be destroyed. For laser hair removal, the light energy damages the hair follicles, which keeps them from growing hair. 


While laser hair removal can effectively get rid of hair on various parts of your body (including your chest, back, bikini, and legs), many women struggle with hair on their upper lip, chin, and sideburns. As the name suggests, full face laser hair removal treats the entire face to keep it free of any unwanted hair, which can improve your comfort and confidence in the way you look. 


How Is Full Face Laser Hair Removal Performed?

Full face laser hair removal is a relatively simple and quick procedure that can be completed in about 60 minutes. While not necessary for every patient, many men and women choose to have a topical anesthetic gel applied before their hair removal treatment. Most patients report a warm sensation, though they do not report feeling any pain during the treatment. After the anesthetic gel is applied, your skin specialist will direct the handheld laser device over the target areas of your face. The laser energy will destroy the pigment to ensure that no hair will grow in the future.


It is important to understand that laser hair removal is not a one-and-done treatment. Instead, you may require up to six treatment sessions to achieve desired results. The reason for this is that the laser energy is not able to destroy all of the follicles at one time since your skin has so many follicles. For many patients, they can look forward to up to 80 percent of their hair being permanently removed; however, to maintain the results that you desire, it is important to undergo maintenance treatments regularly.



Other Important Information About Full Face Laser Hair Removal

In addition to clearer and smoother skin, one of the best aspects of laser hair removal is that there is little to no downtime associated with the treatment. Additionally, the recovery is relatively simple, when compared to many other cosmetic skin treatments. You will likely experience some redness and bumps on your skin during the days following your treatment. It is important that you refrain from direct sunlight and applying makeup and other skin creams without your skin care expert’s approval. It is common for patients to notice dead hairs shedding from their skin over the next several weeks. This is normal and completely expected. Once you have undergone the required number of treatments, you can look forward to a more natural and attractive aesthetic.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Is Full Face Laser Hair Removal?

It is important to understand that the price of your full face laser hair removal treatment varies by patient and is dependent on several different factors including the extent of correction needed, the number of treatment sessions required, and whether other procedures are combined. However, full face laser hair removal in Boca Raton, Florida, usually starts at around $1,500 for a full treatment. At your consultation, your skin care expert will provide you with a detailed cost estimate so that you can understand how much your hair removal treatment will be.


What’s the First Step In Achieving Smooth and Hair-Free Facial Skin?

As with any plastic surgery or cosmetic treatment, your consultation is the first and most important step in achieving the hair-free appearance that you desire. During your consultation, you will be able to discuss your aesthetic frustrations and goals, and your top-tier skin care specialist will be able to evaluate your condition to create a treatment plan that is right for you. You will also have the chance to see full face laser hair removal before and after images to help you get an idea of what to expect for your results. 


Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

So many men and women continue to be hesitant about the laser hair removal procedure because they are worried about it being painful. At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we will be offering complimentary laser hair removal trials so that prospective patients can try the device prior to purchasing. So, rather than having us answer this question for you, come on by on a specified Wednesday and see for yourself before committing to your laser hair removal procedure! 


What Areas Can Be Treated?

Laser hair removal can be performed on the face, legs, back, arms, bikini, arm pits, toes, and chest.



There’s no reason to continue shaving, tweezing, or waxing your skin. Instead, isn’t it time that you took the first step toward achieving the hair-free aesthetic that you can smile about?

For more information about laser hair removal at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, please call our office at 561-234-4026 or fill out our online contact form.

Treatments to Help Get Rid of Cellulite

Picture this: You’re getting ready one morning and catch a glimpse of the back of your leg in the mirror. What on earth is that?! You try to wipe it away, but it’s still there. You move your legs, tighten them to contract the muscle, but nope! It’s still there. Then you realize that it’s cellulite that you’re seeing. An area of lumpy, cottage-cheese-type skin that is barely noticeable but still makes you feel very self-conscious. We all know it. It happens to almost every woman; whether you are thin or heavy, muscular or not, cellulite can appear on your body, whether you want it to or not. 


However, at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we can help eliminate the appearance of cellulite! We are proud to offer two treatments that remove the presence of cellulite to leave the skin looking smoother than it has in years. QWO® and VelaShape® can help provide you with a smoother, dimple-free appearance. Below, we’ll explore what cellulite is, how it develops, and how you can treat and maintain your results so that you can enjoy skin that you’re proud of.


What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is fat that collects just below the surface of the skin. The reason for its unsightly appearance is that the fat pushes up against the connective tissues of the skin, which causes the dimpled or cottage cheese appearance. The reality is that cellulite is not harmful, but it can (and does) cause people to feel self-conscious and embarrassed about their appearance. The most common areas that cellulite presents itself are the hips, thighs, and buttocks.


How Does Cellulite Develop?

Cellulite is more common in women than men; however, men can still experience cellulite on their bodies. Hormonal factors, genetics, and age play huge roles in the development and appearance of cellulite. As people age, the skin loses collagen and elastin, making the skin less taut and firm. 


Some individuals experience cellulite more than others. For men, their skin tends to be thicker than women’s, so the cellulite does not always present itself, even if men have the same amount of fat in the same areas as a woman. Additionally, cellulite can also be hidden a little bit better on people with darker skin tones. 


The professionals at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center will examine you during your consultation to determine the severity of your cellulite. This consultation process will help to determine which treatment is best suited for you and your needs at this time. 


It’s important to understand that there are different grades of cellulite that can also help in the treatment selection process. 


  • Grade 1 (mild): Superficial dimpling, typically one to four slight depressions in the skin. Think of an orange peel. 
  • Grade 2 (moderate): Deeper rippling, typically five to nine medium depressions in the skin. Think of cottage cheese.
  • Grade 3 (severe): Deep skin rippling, typically 10 or more deep depressions. Think of a mattress. 



How Is Cellulite Treated?

Now that you have cellulite, you want to find out how to get rid of it. Cellulite is tricky, because even though it is caused by fat pushing up against the connective tissues, this fat and the resulting condition cannot really be eliminated with diet or exercise. Additionally, there isn’t really a way to prevent cellulite from appearing, as it is a very common condition that happens over time. That’s where we come in! At Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, we offer QWO® and VelaShape® for the elimination of cellulite on the body.  



QWO® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that helps to release fibrous bands that cause the appearance of cellulite. This treatment is used to redistribute fat cells so that they are not clumped together, which creates the appearance of the dimpled skin. This safe treatment also stimulates the growth of new collagen to result in a smoother-looking treatment area. A full QWO® treatment requires three separate treatment sessions, with each spaced 21 days apart from each other.


While the treatment itself is relatively painless, the most common side effects of QWO® include bruising, tenderness, redness, and swelling. Some patients may also experience hardness in the treatment area. There is minimal downtime associated with this cellulite treatment, and patients may return to their regular activities immediately following their treatment.


VelaShape® uses a combination of vacuum technology, infrared light, and radiofrequency (RF) energy to manipulate the skin and gently heat fat cells and surrounding tissue. This process is painless, often being compared to a warm, deep-tissue massage. Another positive of this procedure is that there is no required downtime. This means that patients can return to regular activities right away. While some patients can see noticeable results after one or two sessions, most patients require a series of six treatments to see complete results. 


Maintaining My Results

While you cannot change your age or how your body responds to the natural aging process, you can alter your lifestyle to help maintain your results. Diet and exercise may not be a way to get rid of cellulite on the butt or legs, but they can help to minimize the amount of fat that accumulates in the areas that have already been treated. Performing exercises in your abdomen, glute, and leg areas can help to tighten the skin, resulting in a reduced appearance of cellulite. Continued QWO® and VelaShape® treatments can also help to keep the appearance of cellulite at bay. 



For more information about cellulite reduction at Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, please call our office at 561-234-4026 or fill out our online contact form.