
6 Hacks to Achieve Your New Year’s Fitness and Body Goals

A whopping 91% of all New Year’s resolutions are fitness-related, according to a 2020 study commissioned by Planet Fitness. Unfortunately, around 43% of those well-meaning resolutions are squashed by February.


If exercising more and eating healthier are on the top of your resolutions list for 2022, let these six simple hacks help you stay on target and crush your fitness and body goals once and for all!

1. Make Movement Part of Your Day

All of your exercise doesn’t have to be in a gym. There are lots of ways you can incorporate movement into your daily routine, helping you meet your fitness goals faster and more effortlessly. A few ways to move more throughout the day could include:

  • Going for a walk on your lunch break instead of parking it at a coffee shop.
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
  • Doing jumping jacks during commercials in between your favorite shows.

2. Work Workouts into Your Calendar

Treat your workout like you would a work meeting or client phone call: stick in on your calendar and protect that time! But make sure it’s realistic. For example, don’t put “run” on your calendar at 5:30am if you don’t normally get up until 6:00. Find a time that will realistically work for you so your workouts don’t immediately feel like a chore. Besides, getting enough sleep is important for fitness and overall health, too!

3. Keep Track of Progression to Avoid Plateaus

Your workouts don’t have to be two hours long to get results. Rather than focusing on how much time you’re spending at the gym or on the treadmill, keep a log of the progress you are making during that time, however long it may be. Can you run 30 seconds longer each day? Can you lift five pounds more this week than last week? Jot down these small wins so you can easily measure your results in something more than just minutes in the gym.

4. Make “Meal Prep Mondays” a Thing…

Or Saturday or Sunday — whatever works for you! The point is that planning out your meals for the week and having everything you need to make them will help you avoid ravenously raiding the fridge as soon as you get home. Knowing you have a pre-planned dinner at home will also help you to avoid spontaneously stopping for fast food on the way home.


Another tip is to whip up a crock pot meal or two during the week so you have leftovers for lunch or dinner the following day.

5. …But Don’t Wait Until Monday to Start Working Out

The truth is, there’s nothing magical about Mondays or the start of the new year, for that matter, that will help you reach your fitness goals. It doesn’t need to be a Monday or January 1st to start forming a new habit. In fact, the longer you put off starting a new diet or workout, the harder it will be to get the momentum needed to maintain those healthy habits.


If you binge-ate one too many leftover Christmas cookies on the first of the year, don’t sweat it. Take a brisk walk later that day, or kick off the next morning with a workout. There’s no time like the present to start eating healthier and getting more exercise!

6. Set Short- and Long-Term Goals

Having smaller short-term goals is a great way to break up longer-term goals into manageable chunks that don’t seem so overwhelming. But it’s also good to have an idea of your long-term goals so you know what you’re ultimately striving for. Bigger long-term goals could be reaching an ideal target weight, lowering your cholesterol or blood sugar, or prepping for a body contouring solution like CoolSculpting or EMSCULPT. Whatever it is, write it down, and then figure out what series of short-term goals will help you get there.


Want to learn more about how body contouring devices could help you reach your fitness goals this year? Give us a call at 561-462-0347 or contact us online for a complimentary consultation!